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Daftar 243 Perusahaan Pertahanan Militer Israel (2019)

Industri pertahanan di Israel terkenal begitu maju. 

Menurut Lembaga Stockholm International Peace Research Institute atau SIPRI.

Negara Zionis Israel menduduki peringkat mengagumkan dalam daftar sebagai bangsa pengekspor senjata terbesar di dunia. Bersaing dengan Amerika Serikat, Rusia, Uni Eropa, China dan Inggris (United Kingdom).

Tiap tahun, bangsa kecil yg berada di padang pasir ‘Timur Tengah’ tersebut mampu meraup pendapatan kotor dari penjualan senjata internasional sebesar lebih dari Rp 200 triliun pertahun (Apabila menggunakan kurs rupiah).

Terdapat sekitar 243 perusahaan teknologi di Israel yg berkecimpung dalam bidang militer, persenjataan dan keamanan sipil. 3 perusahaan senjata raksasa terbesar Israel adalah Elbit System, IAI dan Rafael. Sedangkan perusahaan-perusahaan lainnya merupakan pendukung.

Total ilmuwan, teknisi, engineering, professor, insinyur yg bekerja di industri pertumpahan darah dan keamanan tersebut terbanyak 1 unit perusahaan melibatkan sekitar 27.000 karyawan dan terkecil sekitar 20 karyawan.

Berikut daftar 241 perusahaan-perusahaan militer Israel. 

1]. D-ID : Firewall For Identity dan Biometrics

2]. Orad : Pertahanan Perimeter

3]. RubiQ : Kecerdasan buatan AI Powered Allocation Solutions

4]. Faception : Facial Personality analitik

5]. IMCO industries : Penyedia perlengkapan kendaraan lapis baja

6]. GlobalKeeper : Secured Collaboration

7]. ReSec Technologies : Content Disarming dan Reconstruction

8]. Cyberbit : Teknologi Cyber Security dan Intelligence

9]. Aeromaoz : Ruggedized HMI Deviced

10]. FirstPoint Mobile Guard : Cyber security for mobile devices

11]. D-fend solutions : Counter drone security system

12]. DMway analytics : Prediksi analitik militer

13]. Adar Biotech : Drug delivery device developers

14]. Roboteam : Unmanned robotic systems

15]. Qinflow : Portable blood dan IV Fluid warning

16]. DDS : Advanced access control

17]. DVP Technologies : Digital visualization

18]. Eyeways systems : 4D Object based scene analysis

19]. My Single Point : Strategy Execution Software

20]. MAS Med Global : Automated pneumatic torniquet

21]. Stemrad : Teknologi pertahanan radiasi nuklir

22]. Elbit Systems : Raksasa industri militer #1 di Israel

23]. Identa : Forensic products

24]. Dolphin Vision : Kecerdasan buatan AI visual pengintaian

25]. Zore Life Shaping Solutions : Pengunci senjata

26]. Gita Technologies : Penyedia jaringan network militer dan intelijen

27]. SenseCy : Cyber threat intelligence

28]. Attenti : Electronic monitor

29]. Defensoft : Jasa perencanaan boundary security untuk militer

30]. Myform : Personel protective gear

31]. Fifth dimension : Big data processing

32]. Visuality Systems : Solusi Commercial SMB CIFS

33]. Commtact : Teknologi penyedia wireless dan datalink system militer

34]. Protrack : Komputer vision software

35]. HNA : Perusahaan teknologi noise reduction

36]. ECI Telecom : Network infrastructure

37]. Phoenicia : Spesial manufaktur kaca militer

38]. Cogniteam : Mobile robot interaktif

39]. Polygon technologies : Customized robot industri

40]. CASS : Perusahaan super computing high performance

41]. Troya : Night vision dan thermal imagery

42]. Amimon : HD Wireless video connectivity

43]. Tortech Nano fibers : Karbon nanotube mats dan fibers

44]. Seevix material sciences : Synthetic spider sik fibers

45]. R4chip : Software dan hardware

46]. Elsight : Video pendeteksi keberadaan terorist

47]. Orbit Communication Systems : Tracking pelacakan komunikasi

48]. Accubeat : Rubidium clock for time

49]. vectria technologies : Radio frekuensi dan microwave

50]. Civan advanced technologies : Desain laser high power

51]. Rego : Versatile all terain militer

52]. MTI Wirelss edge : Comprehensive antenna

53]. Gilat satellite networks : Satellite broadband communication

54]. MC Tech : Advanced sensor technologies

55]. Magam safet : Protective dan rescue

56]. Omnisol : Research management systems

57]. TurboGen : Mesin hybrid

58]. Plataine : Otomatisasi solusi cloud industri kedirgantaraan

59]. Senso optics : electro optical dan thermal imaging

60]. Mistral detection : Defense industry technology

61]. Quantum RGB : Biometric identification

62]. Flying Production : VTOL Multirotor UAV

63]. DSIT : Underwater security dan sonar

64]. Mango DSP : Intelligent video solutions provider

65]. CPC Group : Electronic interfaces dan assesoris

67]. Aeronautics : Unmanned aerial systems

68]. Enertec systems : Advanced electronics system

69]. SDT System : Simulation visualization platform

70]. Uvision : Loitering aerial munitions systems

71]. Geo genie : Organization geocentric

72]. Superior hulls : Maritime automation technologies

73]. Duke robotic systems : Perusahaan penyedia drone UAV terbang bersenjata

74]. Briefcam : Video surveillance

75]. Abulity : Celular dan satellite interception

76]. InEllint security : Cyber attack intelligence network

77]. ExSight : Video analytics security solutions

78]. Mifram Security : Physical protection solutions

79]. Automotive robotic industry : Autonomous unmanned ground

80]. Extrem simulations : Trauma situasion simulation

81]. Sky sapience : Tethered hovering for drone

82]. Light Strong : Composite material solutions

83]. Latent image technologies : Polarizers for larent imagin

84]. Newbyte flight dynamics : Flight simulation tools

85]. Rafael Advanced Defense Systems : Raksasa industri militer terbesar ke 3 di Israel

86]. Supergum industries : CBRN (anti-nuklir, biologi dan kimia)

87]. Aero Magnesium : Magnesium alloys

88]. Ricor : Advanced cooling penyedia pendingin nuklir

89]. Portnox : Network access control

90]. Cyber observer : Cybersecurity manajemen

91]. ThirdEye systems : Autonomous drone security

92]. Windwarm : Maritime data dan analisis

93]. Valentis Nanotech : Nanocoating dan films

94]. Flyer : Monitoring for sport shooting

95]. Semuconductor devices sd : Infrared detector dan laser

96]. Deepcoding : Operation intelligence platform

97]. SCADA sudo : SIEM For industries networks

98]. EZPack : Water storage dan distribution

99]. Golik Scientific : Ilmu pengetahuan Bioteknologi

100]. Infodraw : Wireless mobile video solutions

101]. Communitake : Mobile security dan produktivitas

102]. Anyvision : Recognition authentication

102]. OSG : Perusahaan penyedia kaca anti peluru

103]. WiseSec : Location based mobile security

104]. Bluebird : Perusahaan keamanan pesawat pengintai mata-mata

105]. Meprolight : Electro optic sights dan devices

106]. Ray-Q interconnect : Electrical products untuk militer

107]. Angrymole : Seismic detection

108]. Biosense : Bark sensing dog collar

109]. Magnabsp : 3D Video surveillance

110]. VADO Security technologies : Data transfer security

111]. Opgal : Thermal imaging safety dan security

112]. Urban Aeronautics : Mobil terbang pengirim logistik untuk militer

113]. Pipoparts : precision metal dan ceramic

114]. Bental motion systems : Electrical motors dan biowers

115]. Tri logical : Real time tracking dan diagnosa

116]. MCTech : Radio Frequency jamming pengecoh komunikasi dan drone

117]. Icaros geosystems : Geospatial

118]. Robotican : Modular robotics systems

119]. Omnisys : Real time decision support systems

120]. Lingacom : Muon based detection teknologi

121]. MTC Industries and research : Motion control components

122]. Enercon : Power supplies untuk pesawat tempur dan kendaraan lapis baja

123]. Eldrotec : Precise cooling systems

124]. iPhysicist : Optical systems

125]. Visionmap : Airborne imaging systems

126]. Newrocket : Environmentally friendly gel-propellant rocket engines

127]. BL Advanced ground support system : Specialized kendaraan militer lapis baja

128]. Lumus : Smart eyewear for augmented reality

129]. BQR : Reliability engineering

130]. Uni Scope optical systems : Periscopes untuk tank merkava

131]. Asispro : High speed interconnect

132]. Source of sound : Headsets untuk pasukan

133]. Surf communication : Video monitoring

134]. Ashot ashkelon industries : Transmission gearboxex

135]. Hagor : Military wear dan ballistic produk

136]. Sematic interface : Natural language platform

137]. Topcar armoring : Perusahaan manufaktur armored

138]. Levitection : Sensor open spaces

139]. Uveye : Pendeteksi inpeksi mobil bunuh diri

140]. Infinidome : GPS Anti jamming protection

141]. Opsys tech : Fiber optics indutries dan defense

142]. Plasan : Perusahaan mobil tempur lapis baja

143]. Shalon chemical industries : Personal dan collective nuklir

144]. TGL SP Industries : Rubber to metal bonding

145]. Seraphim optronics : Electro optical

146]. UAS Technologies : Aerial drone system

147]. Arazim : Navigation dan komunikasi

148]. Beeptec engineering : Analog platform

149]. Spectronix : Firefighting dan gas detection

150]. AerotactiX : Compact unmanned aerial vehicle

151]. Netzer precision motion sensors : Advanced encoder technology

152]. Simlat : Training dan simulation

153]. Elisra : Electronic warning system

154]. IMNA : Secure voice communication

155]. Durammask : Emergency personal escape masks

156]. Top ivision : Tactical airborne surveillance

157]. Israel Shipyards : Perusahaan kapal perang dan sipil

158]. KmoEye : Artificial vision

159]. Optitask : Solid state eye safe laser

160]. Storenext : Retail data analytics

161]. Firmitas cyber : Cybersecurity untuk misi perang kritis

162]. Innereye : Real time visual target detection

163]. 360in1 : Spherical vision sensor systems

164]. Fibrotex : Teknologi penyedia kamuflase penyamaran

165]. Nubo : Virtual mobile infrastructure

166]. Carmor : Perusahaan mobil perang lapis baja

167]. CIELO : AI artificial intelligence navigation dan control

168]. Maxtech : mobile mest network

169]. Fractom : High class antenna

170]. Bird Aerosystem : Sistem perlindungan pesawat

171]. Tamuz : Energy system dan backup

172]. Sense : Data mining software

173]. Vtool : Semiconductor chip verification

174]. Rada : Perusahaan penyedia radar tactical dan avionic

175]. CI Systems : Electro optical test equipment

176]. Duma optronics : Laser measurement device

177]. Salamandra zone : Fire resistant technology

178]. Smart door system : Perusahaan pengunci Cloud keamanan

179]. EXO Technologies : Predictive software

180]. Orbotech : Perusahaan penyedia bunker anti bom

181]. Celare : Network cybersecurity

182]. Optivector : Rotors dan propellers

183]. Innocon : Unmanned aerial vehicles

184]. NOVODR : Teknologi penembus Xray

185]. Nemesysco : Voice analysis untuk mendeteksi emosi manusia

186]. ISPRA : non-lethal devices

187]. SKM Aeronautics : Precision rubber sealing

188]. Techmer : Network centric interoperability

189]. Phinergy : Metal air batteries

190]. RT : Ballons pengintai untuk militer dan keamanan sipil

191]. Bagira systems : Military simulation dan training

192]. Idrone insights : Customized drone services

193]. Redler technologies : Motion control

194]. Uniqai systems : artificial intelligence

195]. RSL electronics : Diagnostic system untuk pesawat tempur

196]. RBtec perimeter : Electronic perimeter intrusion

197]. Vidisco : Portable X-ray inspection

198]. PCB Technologies : Printed curcuit board

199]. Pixtier mops : 3D Urban maps

200]. Magos systems : Perimeter security radar

201]. Israel Aerospace Industries : Perusahaan militer terbesar ke #2 di Israel

202]. General robotics : Robot keamanan

203]. Cykick labs : adaptive web application security

204]. Aero sentinel : UAV System

205]. Ofil systems : Corona dan arcing detection

206]. IARD : Fast radiometers dan electro optic

207]. Yazamtech : File filtering against cyber threats

208]. NIROR : Electronic dan electro optical systems

209]. ESCbaz : Observation dan surveillance systems

210]. Energy reconnect : Power over ethernet platform

211]. HydroNoa : Emergency rescue

212]. Celliboost : Secure mobile broadband

213]. Virtual extension : Wireless smart lighting control

214]. Telkoor power supplies : High density power supply

215]. Israel Weapon Industries : Perusahaan holding senjata senapan tavor

216]. Beit alfa : Special pupose kendaraan lapis baja

217]. D-fence : Perimeter protection dan electronic

218]. Bulletplate : Ballistic armor

219]. Meircell : rugged battery packs

220]. Dronemaker : Development dan construction of robot unmanned

221]. Aerialguard : Advanced autonomous navigation

222]. Clipfort : Amunisi biometrics

223]. Mer Cello : Wireless coverage

224]. Cigil digital systems : FPGA Security

225]. Berale software : Teldan information systems

226]. SafeT : Software defined access

227]. Mprest : Monitoring dan control software

228]. Avalon scientific : Miniature solid state power

229]. SGC Knowledge transfer : Comprehensive knowledge

230]. Xbeamer : Innovatite technolgy

231]. Pipely : Customer acquisition dan engage

232]. Exband : Ultra broadband transmitter

233]. Overmind : Enterprise grade file storage

234]. Intuview : Sematic text analysis

235]. Clone remoted interaction : Mixed reality platform

236]. Shilat optronics : Electro optical solutions untuk keamanan

Artikel Lainnya :

237]. Cympire : Simulation platform for training

238]. Enigma systems : Database analitik untuk industri militer

239]. Silver Shadow advanced security system : Perusahaan produksi senapan genggam

240]. Carmeforge : Perusahaan percetakan titanium dan suku cadang mesin pesawat tempur

241]. Betsmesh engine : Perusahaan mesin drone dan MRO

242]. Uvision : Perusahaan drone bunuh diri

243]. M-Aerospace : Perusahaan robot militer UGV

Terima kasih. Semoga bermanfaat ya. GBU