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Lyrics The Kingdom Christian protestant + Music Video Ellie holcomb - Stronger #610

When your heart beats fast, And your soul is overwhelmed, You got that weight there on your chest, And it's tryin to hold you down, And the demons from your past, Say you'll fall every time you try, Well, You can stay there in that mess, But darlin you were born to fly

These are Christian song lyrics in the United States of America (USA) and internationally :

Lyrics christian Ellie holcomb - Stronger

When your heart beats fast
And your soul is overwhelmed 
You got that weight there on your chest 
And it's tryin to hold you down
And the demons from your past
Say you'll fall every time you try 
Well, You can stay there in that mess
But darlin you were born to fly

So fly away my dear
Up to the golden sun 
Don’t build your home right here
You were made for love
Worry whispers lies, but let the truth be clear 
You are stronger love, you are stronger than your fear 

When the dreams you used to hold
Crumble at your feet
And all the the things you can't control 
They haunt you in your sleep  
You want to hang your head
You want to run and hide

But darling, lift your face up
Lift it up to the morning light --

So fly away my dear
Up to the golden sun 
Don’t build your home right here
You were made for love
Worry whispers lies, but let the truth be clear 
You are stronger love, you are stronger than your fear 

1 2 3 4 breathe
you're not a captive dear, love's holding out the keys

1 2 3 4 breathe
Yeah let the truth come in / Go on and speak the truth
Let it be the song you sing 

1 2 3 4 breathe
Cut ties with worry, love
Go on spread out your wings

1 2 3 4 BREATH
And let you're wondrous heart
Yes let your wondrous heart fly FREE

So fly away my dear
Up to the golden sun 
Don’t build your home right here 
You were made for love
Worry whispers lies, but let the truth be clear 
You are stronger love, you are stronger than your fear

Youtube christian Ellie holcomb - Stronger

Christianity in the United States of America ( USA ) and International. 

Singer : Ellie holcomb
Song : Stronger
Category denomination : Christian Protestant and etc 
Collection to : #610
Music that fascinates the soul, accompanies the heart, beautiful artwork overflows billions of human emotional imaginations. Whatever our situation. Sad, bored, disappointed, happy, sick, healthy, stress, worried, or frustrated. Music is beautiful LIFE. Singing, Singing, Singing with your LOVE
All songs christian, melodies, lyrics, and Youtube official music video. It's free $ 0 and it's legal for you to listen and watch.

Psalm 98 : 5

Make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing.

Psalm 33 : 3 

Sing to Him a new song, Play skillfully with a shout of joy.

Psalm 96 : 1 

Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Psalm 144 : 9

God, I will sing a new song to You, On a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You.  

Afrid Francisco's simple blog tries to present 5 new, fresh, up to date songs & latest official Christian music videos every week here for Protestant Christian denomination standards. Thank you for visiting. God 'Jesus Christ' bless you with greater salvation, grace and love. Thank you. GBU.